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The Lodge was consecrated on the 20th November 1895 at the Crown Hotel Tibshelf.
The founding brethren totalled 8, 2 being Freemasons elsewhere who were desirous of forming a Lodge in Tibshelf. In the first year 4 more joined and membership remained at 12 for sometime.
The name Saint Thomas was chosen, as the Governors of the St. Thomas Hospital, London, were the Lord’s of the Manor of the Parish of Tibshelf.
In 1972 the Crown Hotel was taken over by a new licensee, who made it perfectly clear, we were no longer wanted at the venue. Negotiations were completed and Saint Thomas Lodge transferred to Alfreton that year and became the second oldest Lodge meeting there.
Following our move all our basic Masonic furniture was sent ‘on loan’ to Provincial Grand Lodge, as we had use of Lodge furniture already waiting. Our ‘on loan’ furniture is still being used today, by Lodges meeting in Derby.
During the period of the Second World War personal restrictions on members attendance to meetings by reason of ‘black out’ driving conditions, petrol rationing and other causes, took it’s toll. Grand Lodge ordered their own restricting orders. The summer recess was cancelled in a favour of a break in December, January and February. Festive Boards, meals after meetings, were cancelled or reduced to very light refreshment.
Our history records many members had to leave the Lodge before the end of the ceremony to catch a 7.30pm bus outside the Crown Hotel, for Chesterfield. One brother who lived in Buxton, for several years had to leave home at 10.30am and arrive back home at midnight, merely to attend Lodge which opened at 6.00pm and closed at 7.30pm.
Like many organizations we have seen membership rise and fall, but have managed to stay focused, currently we have 43 members and are keen to welcome more into our fraternity.